Migraine Nutrition Counseling

Do You?

  • Find yourself always thinking about what you should or shouldn’t eat for migraine instead of eating what sounds good to you

  • Spend time worrying about whether or not you should start keto, intermittent fasting, or undertake a complicated and expensive supplement plan

  • Have past or present disordered eating or eating disorder, which makes migraine more complex

  • Struggle with all-or-nothing thinking around migraine and food

  • Find yourself getting lost in a social media group with a ton of suggestions but no real direction or implementation

I’ve been there.

As someone who’s lived with migraine for decades, I know how hard it can be to know that we’re doing the “right” thing with food.

Food can feel like something that we can control.

It might be wild to hear from a nutritionist to give up the idea that we can “fix” everything, including migraine, with food.

Moving toward a more neutral view of food can lead to way more peace, and that makes for fewer migraine attacks.

Which doesn't mean we don’t have a lot of tools to work with around migraine nutrition, we do!

But I see this piece as part of a greater toolbox, and I have some ideas you might not have tried yet.

I’m here to be a cheerleader, support person, and guide on your migraine journey.

In our sessions - 

We dive deeper into food and migraine while maintaining trust in ourselves and our choices.

We keep all your favorite foods in the house, and feeling confident that you are still supporting your migraine plan. 

I’ll be on your team to support you with resources, bounce ideas for new strategies, and encourage a positive relationship with food.

If you live in a larger body, I’ll never suggest an approach that I wouldn’t also recommend for a thin person.

We’ll break down what is true for you and what’s just noise in the migraine nutrition space.

What Does Migraine Nutrition Counseling Look Like?

While most insurance plans do not directly cover nutrition counseling for a migraine diagnosis, many patients receive free or low-cost (copay) general nutrition coverage through their insurance plans. 

I’m currently in-network with most commercial health plans and see patients in Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, and many other states.

For more information, please see my Rates and Insurance information.

Will Insurance Cover Migraine Nutrition Counseling with a Nutritionist?